Wednesday, May 24, 2017

ABC WEDNESDAY--"T" is for "teenager"

A teenager, she is, but in dog years she's much older.  Today my sweet little Bibi and my blog nickname turns 14!

 I've had her ever since she was ten months old, when I adopted her from Katya, who no longer has as many dogs in this photo, thanks to a lot of friends. I adopted Bibi when she was no quite one, with the intention of finding a home for her.....and I did. See other Ts on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


carol l mckenna said...

Oh see is so adorable and what a sweet photo ~ love her ~

Happy Weekend ahead to you ~ ^_^

Bill said...

What a cutie. She knew that you were the one before you did. :)

Photo Cache said...

How precious!

Happy birthday!


William Kendall said...

Such a cutie!

Tammy said...


Lowell said...

Our animal friends make our lives so much richer. She looks like a very sweet dog!

Thérèse said...

Bien joli portrait de ton fidèle compagnon.

MelodyK said...

Good luck bringing this sweety to adulthood ;-0

Have a nice ABC-day / week
Melody (team ABC-W)
Preview Round 21 starting july 12th :

Roger Owen Green said...

Happy birthday. 14! Wow

Hildred said...

She has the same sweet inquiring expression as my Bruce...

Gaelyn said...

A perfect match.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.