Sunday, December 8, 2019

I did it....

Here I am again with Katya, whose photograph I have posted several times, in the past.  If you want to see more than just in the link I've given you, type Katya (or I may have spelled it like it really is, Katja) in the search box on the upper right.

I took the plunge....I waited two years after Bibi's passing to adopt this little pearl whom I have called Madhu (Hindi for honey), because that's exactly what she is.  She had  been given to Katya to be her own personal pet (she's 3 mos. old), but Katya wanted me to have her, and so....  She is a shorkie (half Shih-Tzu, half Yorkshire terrier!

I love her to death.


Gaelyn said...

Three beautiful ladies. Enjoy your new companion.

William Kendall said...

A good companion, and such a cutie!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.