Saturday, December 7, 2019

Seasonal reader?

Here we feeble attempt to get back at my blog, shamefully neglected since late August when I was in the US.  My reasoning was that I was not 'in Belgrade,' but then Yankee can move around, so you might be getting photos from here and there.

It was a nippy morning when I saw this fellow at one of Belgrade's remaining iconic cafes, Poslednja Shansa (last chance), in Tasmajdan park.  Rumor has it that it has been bought by a chain of cafes, and oh, there we go....another piece of history bites the dust.


Thérèse said...

Where we stayed in Belgrade last September there were no less than 7 cafés in a row! This could explain that...

Gaelyn said...

You may need to find some new shooting locations.

William Kendall said...

Good to hear from you again.

Bob Crowe said...

Welcome back. A lot of people have missed you. It must be rather warm for someone to be reading outside with a Christmas tree behind him.

JudithK said...

So glad you are back. I had given up, but found I had several fine photos waiting for me this evening. Would be interested to know the recipe for "an easy Serbian cake." Looks delicious.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.