Saturday, December 7, 2019

Seasonal reader?

Here we feeble attempt to get back at my blog, shamefully neglected since late August when I was in the US.  My reasoning was that I was not 'in Belgrade,' but then Yankee can move around, so you might be getting photos from here and there.

It was a nippy morning when I saw this fellow at one of Belgrade's remaining iconic cafes, Poslednja Shansa (last chance), in Tasmajdan park.  Rumor has it that it has been bought by a chain of cafes, and oh, there we go....another piece of history bites the dust.


Thérèse said...

Where we stayed in Belgrade last September there were no less than 7 cafés in a row! This could explain that...

Gaelyn said...

You may need to find some new shooting locations.

William Kendall said...

Good to hear from you again.

Bob Crowe said...

Welcome back. A lot of people have missed you. It must be rather warm for someone to be reading outside with a Christmas tree behind him.

JudithK said...

So glad you are back. I had given up, but found I had several fine photos waiting for me this evening. Would be interested to know the recipe for "an easy Serbian cake." Looks delicious.


 I pass this antique shop quite often and have even sold a few things to them. To tell the truth, it isn't completely an antique shop an...