Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Parliament Building

In the US it's Saint Patrick's Day. There are some  Irish pubs here and the cinematheque had scheduled an Irish film festival...but because of the coronavirus, events have been cancelled.
There's some green in this photo...  ;)

If you want to watch a great film though, try WAKING NED DEVINE.  You won't regret it. Great film.  Outside the US, it's just Waking Ned.


Veki said...

Waking Ned Devine here in Australia, and yes, great movie

R's Rue said...


William Kendall said...

Terrific detail!

Rockinon said...

I took a quick spin around your blog. Don't stop. You have a good eye. This daily photo demand is both good and bad. I can fully understand your wanting to stop. Do it. But just stop the daily part. I look forward to your occasional post. Cheers!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.