Friday, May 15, 2020

Signing off....

It's been nearly two months since I last posted, and my posts over the last year or so have been far and few between.

At this point in my life, although I am still 'into' photography, I can't commit myself to posting regularly, and so, I've decided to end my blog.

It's been fun, and who knows, maybe I'll be back....

Stay safe and healthy.


Jack said...

No question about it, posting can be a grind. If your departure is a beak, then enjoy it and see you when you return. If it is permanent, then best wishes.

Bob Crowe said...

We will miss you. A lot.

Sandi said...


I will miss your photos.

Susie of Arabia said...

I hear ya. I've been thinking about it too. It IS a big commitment, time consuming, and for the most part, I have to wonder if all the effort is really worth it any more. I may be following right behind you out the door!
The one good thing is that through our blogging, we became friends - and that will never come to an end! xoxox

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I will miss your photography. Stay safe and healthy!

A Casa Madeira said...

Lindas as fotos!

Rob Siemann said...

Take care, be safe

Rockinon said...

Don't stop. Change the name of the blog: An Occasional Post from a Yankee-in-Belgrade. You are living in an incredible area -- it is especially incredible to folk like me on the other side of the ocean. Just carry a small, point-and-shoot and when you see something worth sharing, take a picture. I have never been to Serbia. The closest I have come is well north -- Slovenia. But I know it is a very interesting place and not all like what many of us believe. Your sharing your moments are important. Don't feel pressured. Relax. But, please post now and then. (By the way, I have really enjoyed some of your images and it has sent me to google to know more.) Whatever you decide, good luck, cheers!

smkelly8 said...

Thanks for your beautiful photos.

Bill said...

Thanks for showing us your corner of the world. I loved seeing your images, take care and say safe.

xdexx said...

Your blog was a unique way to stay in touch with the city of my youth. Thanks and I hope that you will reconsider your decision :-)

JudithK said...

Sorry to see you go....will miss your comments and photos of a place I will probably never go at my age. (And especially not now. Ha.) But you've done a wonderful job. I've been going along with you for a while, since a few years before your husband died. I think that's been some years now. You will know for sure. But's been a treat.

A Casa Madeira said...

What a beautiful image.
Nice to know your blog.

William Kendall said...

I see you have posted again. Do so when you can.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.