Thursday, June 4, 2020

I want burek...

Ah, burek, that cheese-filled, crunchy breakfast dish made with phyllo dough....  Heavy stuff, but once in a while I've just got to have it. The ideal burek should not be greasy and not too dry either.

It's so good, and my dog gazed longingly at me, making me feel very guilty.  She got some.


magiceye said...

Looks delicious. A lovely frame with the peeping dog.

Bob Crowe said...

Ah, you're a softy.

Thérèse said...

D. serait presque prêt à faire un aller et retour pour en avoir un morceau... ;-) on s'est rabattu sur du Ajvar maison hier soir...

Rob Siemann said...

Spinach and cheese for me! The best I ever had was in a small bakery in Bulgaria.

Bill said...

Your dog has got you trained. :)

William Kendall said...

That sounds good.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.