Thursday, July 23, 2020

Take your pick!

Hot, hot, hot, but it's supposed to rain on the weekend.

While walking the dog this afternoon and trying to avoid hot surfaces for her tender tootsies, I entered an underground passage under two busy streets. I had been there before, but hadn't exited through the part where this fantastic sock shop is.

Socks galore.  I was tempted...the watermelon ones look refreshing.

Which pair/s would you take?  And look up that Youtube tutorial on how to make masks out of a pair of socks.


Sandi said...

Ha ha, watermelon too I think!

s.c said...

You sometimes wonder how they do all this.

Thérèse said...

A color inspiring place!


Elections pop up here seemingly at someone's whim. In June there will be another round of elections for the City Assembly, due to allege...