Thursday, August 20, 2020

Serbian staples

I could have thrown an onion  in this still life, if I had had one, to make it a trio, since those three vegetables are the holiest of vegetables in a Serbian diet.


Sandi said...

What kind of pepper is that?

JudithK said...

Ha. I have the same question! Lovely photo.

Veki said...

And don't Serbs just love their bread :)

Pat said...

Sandi and Judith, it is a sweet red pepper. There are also major hot red peppers that look the same, so watch out....

William Kendall said...

I'd probably avoid the peppers.

Bob Crowe said...

From what I see about your weather forecast in the sidebar, the hot ones may be in order.

JudithK said...

Well, thanks. It will apparently be trial and error on the pepper business, and the errors might be more exciting than wanted. It IS a lovely photo.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.