Wednesday, July 21, 2021


 Heavy rain the past few days. On Sunday I forgot my umbrella when out walking the dog and nearly got caught in this downpour, which lasted 45 minutes....there was no way I could get home without being soaked to the bone, so I took refuge on the terrace of a cafe.

I think this fellow really was lucky. He was 'appropriately dressed' so that it didn't matter if he got soaked. He for sure got home before I did.


s.c said...

You can't miss the rain. A real wow shot.

Chuck Pefley said...

Has Belgrade had similar flooding issues as other parts of the EU? Glad you were able to avoid the downpour! Great image, Pat 😀

William Kendall said...

Quite a drenching.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.