Saturday, April 1, 2023


 Today is April 1st. For many people that means April Fools' Day. It does for me, too, but being a City Daily Photo blogger, the first of the month means Theme Day.

This month's theme is My Favorite Toy, a STEIFF TEDDY BEAR,  named Teddy, who's been with me since I was eight years old and my newer 'toy,' my Nikon Z50 mirrorless. Teddy used to have the trademark button in his ear, but I didn't like it as a child and so off it went. I pressed my teddy's tummy so hard and so often that he no longer growls. 

My camera of course isn't really a toy, but I enjoy 'playing' with it, so I had to include it.

See many more bloggers' toys at THEME DAY.


William Kendall said...

A good combination.

JudithK said...

I'm laughing. Of course they are both sources of enjoyment and nourishment. And the teddy is in incomparable shape. Though maybe you were old enough when you got him not to chew off his ears or anything.

Stefan Jansson said...

The digital toy looks like fun.

Jim said...

Both great.

Bob Crowe said...

But that bear has no fingers to push the shutter button!


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...