Sunday, February 2, 2025


 I love this photo and don't think I have posted it before. I ran a few search words on my blog and nothing came up, so here it is.

This is a phone (and not an iPhone) shot. Last April I was walking with my granddaughter and spotted these sheets. They called to me saying, "Take out photo!" so I did. I have recently had the photo enlarged and framed. Better yet, a local photo professor of mine a number of years back goes to the same framer. When I picked up the photo a few days ago, the framer told me that Prof X had come  in with some of his photos to  frame, and he admired my photo. Whee!

It's my birthday today and his compliment made my day, albeit a a few days early!


Sandi said...

It really is a good capture. Professor X was right!

Happy Birthday

JudithK said...

Happy Birthday! It IS a fine photo.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. I've been enjoying looking at your blog and learning more about you and where you live. Diane


 He was holding just as still  as the mannikins in the shopfront window.