Monday, June 8, 2009

Sneakin' one on the sly?

Frikom (FREE-kom) is a popular brand of ice cream here. Most of their flavors are really good, and this vendor was sampling his own wares. Am I alone in thinking he bears a striking resemblance to Bill Clinton?


James said...

I agree with you.

marley said...

I wondered what Bill was up to these days! Lol! Great image caught on the sly :)

Vicki ~ FL said...

You are not alone in thinking that ... thanks for visiting...

Lowell said...

I probably wouldn't be able to pass by this place without buying something!

Yes, I can see Pres. Clinton there...

lady jicky said...

Did Bibi get a lick???

More Bibi pics please!!!
I think she could be a pug or peke - I had a pekingese years ago and Lulu was a lovely girl - no snappiness (is that a word?LOL) in her. so, little Bibi could have peke in there too.

I was wondering what Bill was doing these days!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

This photo is so precious and intimate. Wonder what the man is thinking as he enjoys the fruits of his labor? He looks a lot more dignified than the man on the cart!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Before I read you thought the looked like Bill Clinton I thought the same thing. Am I the only one thinking this image has so many joked attached to it?

Jilly said...

Looks like a sort of choc ice which I used to covet when I was a child. Yes, does look a bit like Bill C but without the confidence.

soulbrush said...

yes he does. he's eating all his profits.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

He's got the right idea. You sell ice cream so you can eat it, right?

Tash said...

very distinguished looking vendor.

Tash said...

PS - my aunt was very familiar with the bakery in Zemun in the Kod Puza building.

Marie Reed said...

He does look quite Clintony! It's that great mane of hair!

Becky said...

I'm a sucker for ice cream...especially when it's very warm outside and I'm in the sun. Your idea of him looking like Clinton is rather amusing. He does, in a way! And his ice cream bar looks delicious...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.