Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Up on the Roof!

I was walking downtown the other day, and heard someone whistle and shout 'Alo!" It's been ages since I've been whistled at in the street (or anywhere else for that matter!) so I looked up and saw this roofer waving at me. I did what any other photo blogger would do, and here is the result. I'm not sure how much his 'security' rope would help him if he slips....


James said...

By the looks of that rope he may have been saying goodbye cruel world. The rope looks ready to do more harm then good. :-o

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, in Chile that happens to women every time with construction workers (and if they look foreign, it's even more). At least this guy didn't have a problem with being photographed :).

Lowell said...

Not my kind of work, for sure...but how nice he whistled at you...must have been stunned by how attractive you are!

yudikris said...

You really have the sense of photographer, Bibi! Cool shot!


~Cheryl said...

I agree with James. That rope looks to be more like a noose than anything close to safe. Glad he gave you a whistle and "alo" though.

Tash said...

My dad used to say 'Alo', even after living here for years. That brought back a nice memory. Really great shot, B. LOL on the rope, but I don't worry too much, he looks like a seasoned roofer.

PJ said...

he looks like he's at home up there. I'll wager he's agile as a goat. That's a great stranger photo.

B SQUARED said...

Come on now, I bet you get whistled at all the time.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

great capture. and you know the whistle kind of made you smile a bit...hunh?
have a lovely evening.

Nathalie H.D. said...

I no longer have the time to come and visit as often as I'd like but I really enjoyed browsing through all your past photos. Wow there are some great ones! The pregnant woman whose water broke was fun, Bibi with her plaster twin was a winner and I loved the crane in a puddle.

About this guy, I'm a bit concerned about the way the rope merely seems to go round his shoulder and nothing more. I had some men working on a roof near my house with no safety harness at all either. Safety isn't always taken seriously, is it?

soulbrush said...

omg i agree with james, maybe he was saying goodbye and not alo....there's an award for you on my blog today.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Bloggers really are the last bastion of the street recorder. It used to be photographers, but photobloggers have now become the saviours. Whistling roofers are universal it seems.

Thérèse said...

But how many walk on roofs without security rope?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.