Thursday, November 4, 2010

Baka Jelka's hands

Yesterday we saw Baka Jelka's (YEL-ka) pigs, who are unknowingly awaiting their sad fate.

Baka Jelka also has chickens and of course fresh eggs, and these are some of them. But the real reason for this photo is her beautiful hands, which tell a tale of their own. Do they remind you of her son's hands? I think so.


Chuck Pefley said...

Those hands have had a long a strenuous life for sure. The tell of hours of work and aches, but they are very loving and proud hands as well.

Lovely image, Bibi!

Randy said...

Chuck stated that perfectly. What a beautiful photo.

Bob Crowe said...

What an extraordinary photo. Bibi. This is a true prize winner. The textures blow me away. said...

This is such a beautiful photo Bibi. I can definitely see the resemblance too.

Olivier said...

j'adore ce b&w, les mains ressortent bien et grace a cette photo on peut imaginer une vie pleine de cette personne

Gaelyn said...

Oh yea, these are hard working hands with many stories to tell. Excellent capture once again.

J e l e n a said...

This is a photo for Life magasine, I do not know if you can submit something on line. I would give it a try!

Carraol said...

Beautiful and sensitive work Bibi, the use of B&W is perfect to frame the composition of her hands!

Daryl said...

Wonderful photo

Lowell said...

These hands speak volumes...they are the hands of my grandmother who lived on a farm in northern Minnesota.

Nothing like fresh eggs.

Thank you very much for your expression of concern!

Tash said...

Add this one to your Photos by "Bibi" book. It's superb...the hands, the eggs, the bowl the print on the dress. Wow!

I ate some home hatched eggs in Pozega past summer. The deep orange of the yolks was amazing.

Marie-Noyale said...

Hands pictures always move me..
This is a beautiful one.
I am glad to be back to see this
and I also love your cloud book!

Alexa said...

Awesome shot, Bibi! It belongs in a gallery with a big fat price on it. And her hands are indeed very beautiful.

TheChieftess said...

This is a wonderful photo, Bibi! Such expression in this simple composition...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.