Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ABC Wednesday--"P" is for "Poor Porker"

Went out to my daughter-in-law's grandmother's home last Saturday. "Baba Jelka" (YEL-kah) made us homemade soup with her homemade noodles, mashed potatoes, meat, her own cabbage salad, homemade bread, and dessert. This lady is a wonder. She has a number of chickens and three pigs. I'm sorry to say that despite all their cuteness, these little porkers aren't going to be around long... :( They'll probably end up like this.

See other P's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

I am so sorry to hear that! At least you got their picture.

Gigi Ann said...

The Poor Porkers are cute. But, sometimes they have to go visit somewhere else.

Francesca Di Leo said...

aw! these porkers are so dang cute. makes me hate it that i eat pork.

Penelope Notes said...

Oh … these animals look so sad. I hope one day we can be content with a pig-free diet.

Anonymous said...

i love it, i love people who aren´t so dependant on others. just like this new trend of young belgrade couples moving to the countryside and going so far, that they even organize their own energy by solar panels or generators at their little water/river, if they have it on their land. today they are crazy for doing the right thing, tomorrow they will be trendsetters. :-) the circle of life ...

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What a cutie s/he is! I really do not like to think about where food comes from. Can you imagine the person who ate the first oyster? the first egg?

Off to fix dinner! No porkers tonight.

Olivier said...

choix original pour la lettre de la semaine, mais j'avoue que j'ai du mal a traduire le titre et le texte, mon anglais est trop nul (et google fait une traduction un peu "spéciale" ;o)) )

photowannabe said...

I guess that's why they look so sad.
Great post for the letter P.
My Pig Post won't be as tastey as yours.

Mom vs. the boys said...

awww, he looks sad!

Roger Owen Green said...

ah, the pitiful fate of the porcine mate.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

Looks like Ham, Bacon and Sausage to me. Yum.

Tash said...

These little piggies are not going to the market, are they?
Hog-wild P post!

Alexa said...

Okay—I totally saw that coming. As long as I don't have to do the deed!

Chuck Pefley said...

Hope the Big Bad Wolf doesn't come along and blow really hard -:)

There is something rather comfortable and cute about pigs ... despite the fact that most enjoy wallowing in mud.

Your new counterpart sounds quite the amazing lady.

B SQUARED said...

It's one of those things we "city people" never quite get used to. said...

aww...poor thing, & such a cute face too.
I'm glad I didn't wait much longer to stop by or I may have missed too much! I love your Halloween post & your Bus still life - I actually like the rust.

Daryl said...

They are looking quite .. um .. delectable (lucky for them and me I dont eat meat)

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

seems so tasty!!! you are lucky man!! :)

Tumblewords: said...

A delectable dinner, a cuteness batch of piglets and a banner of pigeons!! Great P post...

Misfit in Paradise said...

You always have the best photos.
Donna - ABC Wednesday


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.