Friday, November 5, 2010

SKYWATCH--The Victor's buns...

Shameful title, I admit, but I couldn't resist. Click here, though, to see why this naked statue is in this very place, and not in the originally intended location. P.S. Want to see some California pseudo-Roman buns? Click here to see what Tash posted at Palos Verdes Daily Photo.
And...just when you thought you had it all, here's a nifty little book I recently received as a present. I carry it in my purse. You get points for each kind of cloud you see, and there are lots! The ones above The Victor seem to be some sort of cumulus clouds (15 points), but I got 30 points for these altocumulus, plus another 15 because I caught them at sunset....what fun. Get yourself a copy!

Check out (and maybe identify...) other clouds (and their skies) on SKYWATCH.


Tash said...

Terrific point-of-view and the story on the link is a hoot. I would get that book just because I adore the cover. You also helped me decide on this week's post...might have some competative buns in it. :)

PS - Ferris Buller's in our top movies list. My husband and I tried for years to get Ian to watch it...and 2 years ago he discovered it himself and thinks it's great.

PSS - I'm starting a to see list - The Getty Center and perhaps Villa are the first entries.

eileeninmd said...

Awesome photo, the colors are just beautiful. And I love the composition. Well done!

VioletSky said...

that is too funny!!
love the shot.

oh, look the word verification is adonnis!!

Randy said...

Wonderful photo and I love the title!

Gaelyn said...

I like the statue but think it rather prudish to make him stand so all alone.
The Cloud book is wonderful Fun!

TonyC said...

Great shot - and a great little book - hope it's available down under!!

Luis Gomez said...

What a great post Bibi! Thank you for the link. ;)

Linnea said...

Naked or not, he's got a great view of the skies!

J e l e n a said...

Oh Bibi, you are shameless taking that picture. I think he is where he was supposed to be, in the right place overlooking the city. said...

Ha! thanks for making me laugh this morning Bibi, very very funny.
I am so glad you couldn't resist.
: )

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

good link..intersting....i like the photo..the texture of wall is excellent! best regards!

Daryl said...

I was web surfing and actually doing it for something that was really work oriented vs shopping ... ahem .. and I came across a blog about clouds .. now if I could remember where it was ...

B SQUARED said...

He must be the "butt" of a lot of jokes.

Alexa said...

I say if you've got it flaunt it—and he's got it. :~}
I'm going to get this little book—and give myself 45 points for shooting those exact same altocumulus clouds at sunset!

chanpheng said...

That's a lovely shot - great views in the background as well as the foreground!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.