Saturday, April 12, 2008

Branches like hands or hands like branches?

Is this statue in the garden around the Yugoslav Drama Theater imitating the tree's branches, or is the tree mimicking the statue? You decide!


Anonymous said...

Interesting question, Bibi. I know tree roots can engulf things as can the trunk itself and the branches do reach out for things. I like your photo.

Chuck Pefley said...

Amazing resonance in the two forms. Would be interesting to know if the site was known before the sculpture was created.

Jilly said...

How extraordinary and beautiful too - or is it scary? This is very interesting.

Glad to meet Bibi the little griffon and so glad you liked the Monte Carlo doggies today.

Branislav Radisic said...

Odlicna fotka


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.