Thursday, May 29, 2008

Who's your favorite team?

I'm not a soccer fan at all, just never was interested, but if I were, I'd definitely pay this fellow a visit. He's got just about every team t-shirt and scarf (plus some basketball shirts/shorts) you can imagine. The scarves cost 400 dinars, which is about $8.00. Click on the photo and see if you can find your favorite.


Dan said...

Wow, love the bright colors in this pic. When I was in Rome I came across a similar place where I picked up a shirt for my son.

Rosie said...

I can see a Manchester United T-shirt but no scarf :(
Isn't it funny how parents start brain washing their kids to like their teams so early in life? Hehehe...I must confess, I tried really hard too!

Unknown said...

Very disappointed to see that the mighty Middlesbrough isn't there!!! (LOL)

Great picture though.


Pat said...

Maybe Manchester United and Middlesbrough are sold out because they're popular!! :<)

alice said...

Merci de votre visite chez moi! Je suis heureuse de connaître désormais le chemin qui mène ici, Bibi.
Oui, j'ai pensé au chien...Mais les chats sont tellement arrogants qu'il m'en faudrait un féroce! A bientôt!

Jilly said...

I share your sentiments on soccer but love the shot - great angle, taking in all the produce for sale and the people choosing something good to buy.

Anonymous said...

It is a nice shot, Bibi, and the colors are so nice to see and the little boy is doing his best to find his team colors.

Louis la Vache said...

Although, like you, "Louis" isn't a soccer fan, he would enjoy looking at this colorful display!

Marie Reed said...

My little boys would go bonkers here too! I certainly found myself hooting and hollering during the last World Cup! I caught soccer fever:)

Jane Hards Photography said...

A very familiar sight, but what no West Bromwich Albion! From Eurovision to football, very European. It is a marvellous display.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...