Wednesday, June 18, 2008

ABC Wednesday: Vandals or virtuosos?

While walking along the Sava a couple weeks ago, I saw these young guys painting a wall white. How nice, I thought, and went over closer to congratulate them on their civic pride. However, when I drew closer, the one really was merely creating a new "canvas," while the other was testing his spray paint cans to decorate the new surface with their own graffiti. Last Wednesday while checking out my citymates' Belgrade blogs, I saw that Vlada at had posted a photo of them too, taken a bit later that same day (May 28th), so check out the "vandals' or virtuosos'" work.


Kim said...

How fun that the four of you are covering Belgrade so well! ;^) I'm not fond of tagging, but I do admire artists who happen to use spray paint. It's amazing to see their work chronicled by photographers all over the globe, some of them becoming so well known that museums are exhibiting their work and their names are household words.
Nice sunshine that day!
Seattle Daily Photo

iBlowfish said...

I think they are more likely street artists to me. These guys are really creative in my opinion. And when finished, the wall is really colorful.

Unknown said...

Very good 'V' post.

I think they're artists.

Bodge's Bulletin

parlance said...

Thanks for the link to Vlada's site. I've added it to my 'must visit often' list. I love her photographs (as I love yours).

Branislav Radisic said...

Uzivam u Vasim setnjama gradom

Jane Hards Photography said...

Um! Mixed feelings sparked by Kim's comments. Some indeed are artistic, others though, very non artistic. I admire good graffiti,like Banksy, but taggers, no. The later are the type that tend to get exhibited and this I do take issue with. My partner then, it seems would be more likely exhibited if he sprayed his tag on a wall, rather than his very heavyweight Political cartoons. Ooh that was way to serious! Interesting v post, and it certainly spoke too me.

Dan said...

Hmmm, I guess I think these guys are breaking the law and ought to be stopped no matter how talented they are. I mean, you wouldn't want them to paint on the side of your home or car would you? So why tolerate this if they are tagging public property?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.