Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Radovan visits ZEUS's Temple--ABC Wednesday

The Temple of Olympian Zeus, also known as the Olympieion, is a colossal temple, now in ruins, formerly dedicated to Zeus, king of the Olympian gods. Begun in the 6th century BC by the Greeks, it was not completed until the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian some 650 years later. Radovan was reminded of Roman ruins near Leskovac, Serbia, of the ancient town Justiniana Prima, founded by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD.
The Arch of Hadrian is a monumental gateway resembling a Roman triumphal arch. It spanned an ancient road from the center of Athens to structures on the eastern side of the city including Zeus's Temple. An inscription on the western side facing the Acropolis states: "This is Athens, the ancient city of Theseus," whereas an inscription on the eastern side of the arch (facing the Temple) states: "This is the city of Hadrian and not of Theseus." Radovan can see the Acropolis through the arch.


Jane Hards Photography said...

Bibi take a bow! This is an outstanding example of combining the letter with the travelogue. I adore Greek/Roman myths and legends so for me this is a marvellous post. Mr Radovan you lucky boy to witness these structures first hand. Now put some sunscreen on!

Dan said...

Great pics. That little guy is quite the traveler! I am surprised that there aren't more tourists milling about these sites.

Louis la Vache said...

Ah ha! Priests yesterday and a pseudo-god today!
Where will Radovan take us tomorrow?

Unknown said...

He does get about a bit does Radovan - hope you're not tiring him out too much!!

Can't wait for the next instalment!!

Bodge's Bulletin

Marie Reed said...

The perfect Z! Your blog is full of razzmatazz! I love it:) You're one creative cookie Bibi:)

Petrea Burchard said...

I'm enjoying the Greek tour, Bibi!

marley said...

I agree with Babooshka! Excellent work. This site is a great piece of history. The sky in Greece is so blue!!

Profile Not Available said...

Really well done! Looks like you have found two perfect traveling companions!

Rosie said...

Very bluie sky over there, uhm?
Here we had a good day but nothing like yours!

J.C. said...

I would like to attempt similar pix like yours, Bibi. I will try to bring a doll with me and go on a tour of my hometown Melaka. Will bring my little niece along so we can together put up an interesting show for the children. Thanks for your creativity that inspire me to do this project. Now I gotta think of what doll I should use!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.