These trampoline parks are now popular here. When I was in junior high in the US light-years ago, friends and I used to spend hours bouncing on trampolines. Later I learned their demise was due to overly-exuberant bouncers who bounced right off onto the hard ground. At least now there's a mesh fence and padding around.
I'd love to do that!
That is just what I need!
My E picture is now posted, too! You can check it out HERE if you have the time. Thanks!
I remember trampoline places but ours were sunken into the ground. Bibi, hope your husband is showing much progress in his recovery . Blessings to all of you.
Exuberant! Exciting! Exercising!
Wonderful choice for ABC Wednesday letter E.
Bear((( )))
"Bibi", my thoughts are with you with many hopes that your husband bounces back quickly. I know that I am joined in these wishes by so many of us blogers whose lives you've touched by your insightful & interesting photos and descriptions.
excellent action picture!
Check out my Engine here
Great action shot...just like the olympics.
ha! well done.. this is something I need more of..
Nice photo!
well done!
wah! I wish I could do that.
Do you really think that teens accept these nests over here? Well better be around when they bounce, I tell you.
Walking behing teenagers at the HS the other day I overheard that you could dye your hair with vegetables!
I would totally do that if we had them here. It will never catch on here in America, but it would sure be fun. A lot of people have trampolines with nets in their own backyards, so there's really no demand for a park of them. But I don't have one, and would relish the opportunity to enjoy one on a whim.
Pat, let me add my prayers - hope your husband recovers quickly and completely.
Wow! That's an olympian effort of a e.
Big hugs from the 3 legged ilse of you your husnad and the spare for good luck.
Cool action shot. I've never been on a trampoline! I know. Pathetic!
A trampoline park sounds great fun. Perfect for Exercise and E!
"Louis" remembers those trampolines...he was always such a klutz (and still is) that he didn't/couldn't/wouldn't do much on them...
Yes, we had these when I was a teenager, the much more dangerous version, of course.
Let me add my positive thoughts to everyone else's and say that I hope all is going well w/you.
this is an amazing capture! nice shot.
i am terrified of trampolines, have heard so many horrifying stories about accidents on them (or off them)...
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