This isn't your run-of-the-mill traffic jam. It was caused by a trolley car whose electrical cable had become unhooked. Usually this isn't a major problem, since the driver just leaps out, grabs a long pole from the rear of the trolley, and tries to hook the cable back on to the overhead street wires. For some reason, it appeared that the trolley's cable couldn't reach the overhead wires. Serbian drivers are not patient, and leaned on their horns. A motorcycle policeman came along with another one to direct traffic. Then a rescue truck. Finally a small bulldozer came to lift one end of the trolley just a bit so the cable could be rehooked. This whole adventure lasted "only" twenty minutes, but in the meantime, automobile drivers were having fits, and even the bus you see in the photo grew impatient.
Wow, Bibi, what a shot! That's what I'd call a coup! How did you manage such a fantastic vantage point?
That's just really interesting. Few American cities have trolleys any more but the solution to the problem is very pragmatic. Drivers in New York would lay on their horns for this (or anything, just for exercise) but out here in the Midwest we would suffer in silence.
By the way, super camera angle.
Bay Area drivers would be just as impatient. Alas, rudeness has no boundaries or nationality....
Great shot. Such an interesting tangle of hardware and tempers. Hoping your husband is improving with each day.
Photo is really powerful when enlarged - all those cables & the onlookers come thru.
What an amazing shot. How lucky you had your camera to hand.
People here would initially sit on their horns but then back up and try to turn round I guess...
Wow! what a great shot. It seems you were certainly in the right place at the right time.
Interesting story too.
It's not just Serbian drivers who are impatient - it's drivers all over the world! In some places, those vehicles would have driven on the pedestrian walkways to get around the obstruction! I'm glad it wasn't an accident, as it looked at first glance.
I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. My prayers are with you. Please keep us posted as to his condition.
Bibi, thank you for letting me know about your husband. I'm sorry you'll miss your trip, but some things are more important, eh? I will keep you both in my thoughts, as I'm sure we all will.
this is a great shot.here in london it would be a real mess as the streets are so much narrower and more congested.(and it would be raining!)
That's a very fantastic shot!
It seems that a problem happend to your husband.I hope it becomes solved as soon as possible.
Thats really funny! I can just imagine the hooting horns and irrate drivers! You were in the right place for this photo :)
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