Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ABC Wednesday-"F" is for "feet"

These terra cotta tootsies, standing on Belgrade's pedestrian street, were created along with other unusual clay works of art in honor of BELEF (Beogradski Letnji Festival) or Belgrade's Summer Festival, a tribute to theater productions, visual arts, and music. It looks like someone "walked off" with a foot from the first row.... Actually, they sort of give me the creeps....


Adam said...

I remember these sculptures. Regardless of whether I liked them or not, I found it horrble to watch the pro-Karadzic hooligans throwng them at police and destroying someone's personal work.

I do wonder why BELEF didn't decide to perhaps cancel the exhibition the day after Karadzic arrest! We all knew something was going to kick-off.


ben wideman said...

Wow, that is creepy! Great photo.

Wayne said...

Well, if the artist used a life model I wouldn't care to meet him in a dark alley.

Unknown said...

Creepy but original and funny at the same time!

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

Bibi, thank you for dropping by my site. Come back anytime. Again, I am so sorry about your loss. I will continue to pray for you as the days right around the funeral are usually filled with more people and activities. I haven't ever lost a spouse, but I have lost both of my parents. My dad when I was 11 and my mother when I was 29. It's difficult, but the Lord will always be there for you.

Victor said...

Excellent find!

Virginia said...

I am creeped out too. The bit toes are even more so. Hey who would steal a foot? EEWwWWW. By the way, I see some odd things in the backgound too. Not going to comment on what they might be.

Louis la Vache said...

An ad for Dr. Schol's?
An ad for Desenex?
Inquiring minds want to know....

soulbrush said...

yes they are definitely creepy, but interesting too. how are you feeling today? How old is your son/daughter that still lives with you? will you stay on in belgrade now or return to america?

Meead said...

They look real and creepy.

Kim from Hiraeth said...

"Actually, they sort of give me the creeps...."

Me, too, but they are great for 'f'!

marley said...

They are creepy. They look so real. Great capture :)

Becky said...

HA! This is probably one of the most unique posts I've seen. And I agree - they give me the creeps, too!

Bear Naked said...

Funny Freaky Feet.

Bear((( )))

Jane Hards Photography said...

A post with a lot of sole. Funky feet are frightening to this Bibi fan.

Anonymous said...

thats a funny picutre

Unknown said...

Brilliant (if not a little cheesey) choice for F!

Bodge's Bulletin

Chuck Pefley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Knoxville Girl said...

something odd is afoot here.

Chuck Pefley said...

Looks like you've got a toe hold on the future :) And as Babooshka says, there's a lot of sole here, too. But one foot left and I always thought the admonition was to step off on the "right" foot :)

Glad to see you're keeping up with your posts ...

Dirkjogt said...

Gorgeous picture. Nice choice for the F.
Dirkjogt, Belgium

Jerez Sherry said...

Yeah, I agree, sort of look like the human equivalent of pickled pigs feet, Not a pretty foot anyway... They should have put their best foot forward!

curleegirlee said...

Definitely creepy, but also very cool...and a perfect photo for today's ABC Wednesday "F." Very unique!

Leslie: said...

Eew, I'm so glad you said it gives you the creeps because that was my first reaction, too. But fantastic photo! :)

Marie Reed said...

Ahhhhhh! This is a horror film in the making.

CaBaCuRl said...

OMG these feet are very creepy, but such a unique idea for your F post. I am very sorry that your husband has passed away.

mrsnesbitt said...

They look as though they were from the same foot mould...look at the big toe..


Great shot!

kouji said...

fascinating pieces. :)

MuseSwings said...

Your pictures are always so fascinating! I think some of these feet need red toenail polish.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.