Thursday, August 28, 2008

Big white undies

"Underwear is everywhere but mostly underneath..." or so sings Barry Louis Polisar in his kids' (or kid-like adult like me) song, "Underwear." This underwear isn't underneath, but rather above. Maybe these are Captain Underpants' (by Dav Pilkey) underpants. (If you want to howl with brainless laughter, read Pilkey's Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants.) These are nice and clean and white anyway, and definitely a couple of sizes larger than the undies seen on my August 23rd post...


Kris McCracken said...

Good, sturdy underpants. That’s what the world needs. It is my firm opinion that as underpants shrink, people have become less robust.

Wayne said...

I'm so embarrassed I don't know which way to look.

Virginia said...

Talk about " pulling up your big girl panties, and dealing with it !" What a great shot. I am crazy enough to frame this one and hang it somewhere in my house. As a third grade teacher, I can tell you that the mention of the word "underpants", was enough to send and entire class into gales of laughter. I know Capt. Underpants, but will find the others that you mentioned.

Jerez Sherry said...

They last longer when they aren't dried in a dryer, and they heave appeal!

Louis la Vache said...

Mai oui, definitely larger than those seen in the 23 August post. Nice study in contrasts! said...

I love this picture! You are making me look at things differently as I search for my daily photos!
Good one Bibi.

Riccardo said...

oh.. they make me remember when I was a child and people used to hang clothes between buildings....
I would be curious to see who wear them.

Marie Reed said...

Granny pants! I'll stick with my wonderwoman underoos!

Tash said...

Old world meets new world (of 8-23). I bet the owner is really proud of how white they are & they will surely smell fresh. Thank you for making us chuckle.

USelaine said...

But these only have what we used to call a bikini, or hip-hugger rise! You haven't seen reeeal granny panties until you get the kind that go up to your navel. MY kind of power panty, no riding up, full protection from outerwear chafe. But these will do...

vero said...

I think this photo is really lovely.

Meead said...

They are so large! Interesting post.

Leora said...

Humorous! I love it. My daughter liked it, until she realized it was underwear. Then she made a yuck face. The angles of the roof crisscrossing the underwear make a eye-catching composition.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I think this is fabulous for skywatch :0)

Knoxville Girl said...

This photo is hilarious. Run 'em up the flagpole and see if anyone surrenders.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Ah, that's where Bridget Jones lives.! They are dazzling though and so uniformly pegged out.

soulbrush said...

babooshka's comment made me roflol. what a good she wouldn't be happy knowing that we are all gawking at her underwear.
do you mind if i join you in friday skywatch?
hope you are all doing okay...

MuseSwings said...

The line is bloomin' with bloomers!

J.C. said...

Reminds me of a scene in Bridge Jones movie!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.