Saturday, August 16, 2008

At the Market Blue

Nothing like a cold beer with a friend, and if it's too hot to run down to your local cafe or pub, just pull up a crate at the Market Blue.


marley said...

Thats the life!

Donna said...

You meet some of the nicest people this way!!!

USelaine said...

Cold? Are you sure? ;^)

Louis la Vache said...

This thriving enterprise looks like it might become a real threat to Wal-Mart!

Isadora said...

Oh, it is so country and so folksy. :)

Anonymous said...

Uh kod mene u komsiluku, ruzna realnost...

magiceye said...

cool way to chill out!

Do visit here for my post about Rakshabandhan - a celebration of sibling bonding in India!

Meead said...

Please give me a cold soft drink! Ice tea would not bad.

MuseSwings said...

I stopped by to take a look at that bathing cap you described on Marie's Vintage Postcards blog. This is a wonderful blog! I'll be back!

Jane Hards Photography said...

What a wonderful pair of bookends they make. You are quite right about your blog. Serbians are much maligned but here they are shown as we all are to be very human.

Anonymous said...

I really like the colors in this one. For some reason I love market signs.

Becky said...

This is great! They look so relaxed and like they're enjoying the moment. We need more moments like this.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.