Friday, August 15, 2008

Skywatch Friday--Crows on Lavender Sky

This was a quick shot off my porch. Occasionally, due to temperature and haze (dare I say smog) factors, the Belgrade sky often takes on unusual colors, and this is a case in point. A minute later, this color was gone.


Kelly said...

You caught a gorgeous picture of the birds soaring through the sky! I love the peaceful wings and lovely cloud streak in the sky! So dramatic! Great photo!!!

Anonymous said...

This is Beautiful!!! I love the birds! Happy night!

Anonymous said...

Zdravo Bibi, I just recently discovered your site and enjoy your photos of life in Belgrade. I hope to visit sometime!

I love this shot of the sky and birds. I love the simplicity and the open space of the sky.

Louis la Vache said...

Oh! Bibi! This is fantastic!

magiceye said...

brilliant capture!! wow!!

Do check out my Independence Day SkyWatch post here

Marie Reed said...

It really is shade of a field in Provence!

Tom said...

Pefect... just perfect you have caught the view so well...

We get skies of strange colours now and then, and yes those are caused by air pollution also..

Som mine dager er said...

It's all about the right place at the right time. Beautiful sky colour and I love it.


Thérèse said...

A sky to share!
I am still thinking about your icecream scoops, we do need them over here. Do you think they ship them overseas?

Chuck Pefley said...

Nicely positioned birds. Lovely!

Riccardo said...

Good colors and nice shot to birds

Anonymous said...

Great capture!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful shot. I think the composition is particularly attractive. The respective positions of the birds and the white line are just right. Gorgeous!

Thanks for your visit in Avignon and confiding in the reason why you started wearing hats. That was a very moving message. I wish you a long and healthy life now.

nonizamboni said...

Awesome catch! And the sky's color is unbelievable. Thanks for sharing. . .happy weekend!

marley said...

Its a scene from the film The Birds! I never managed to photograph birds in flight, you've done a great job :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Lavender Sky. I always say this but sometimes these opportunity shots,are the most stunning. One of the most unique, certainly in colour I've seen today. The birds fr me of course are the bonus.

Raven said...

What a gorgeous shot and what an amazing color that sky is. Lovely photo.

Meead said...


Small City Scenes said...

Love the color and the added bonus of the Crows. MB

Torsdag 1952 said...

Sorry, I’m a little late because I was sailing this weekend.
So I stop by and say thank you for a nice SWF.

Becky said...

I absolutely LOVE this photo. The colour of the sky is just fantastic and the birds accentuate it and stand out beautifully. Great job!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!