Saturday, August 30, 2008

A change in custom

Went to a wedding a couple of weeks ago where our son was best man. This little girl, a member of the wedding party, is selling boutonnieres (the orange ones in the basket) to the men who attend, and lacey wrist bands to the ladies. It used to be the custom that a little girl like her would sell sprigs of rosemary, an herb reputed to bring luck and health, but now this custom has changed. A while back, the money she collected used to go to the new couple, but now it is hers to keep. There's no fixed "donation," and you can see what she's received so far. 100 dinars is roughly $2.00. (I don't know what the little candle is for!)


marley said...

A good way to earn some pocket money on the big day!

Anonymous said...

an interesting custom.

Louis la Vache said...

What an adorable child!

"Louis" wonders why the custom changed. Rosemary has such a nice scent, it seems it should have been continued.

Virginia said...

I love learning about the cultures and customs in all of our different countries. This one is very interesting to me. Lovely photo fo this beautiful wedding attendant.
Much love to you and your family.

angela said...

The candle's maybe there to weight down the notes..the colours of the photo are beautiful.

Meead said...

Nice photo and interesting information about a marriage tradition in Belgerade.

Pat said...

Thank you, all. I hope to be up and checking out blogs reasonably soon.

Louis, I think the problem with rosemary is that it had to be pinned on, and this sometimes made unattractive even permanent holes in ladies' dresses/blouses... The boutonnieres you see here are pinned on men's suits; usually no problem with holes.

Mim said...

Your photography and blog are amazing, and your post about your husband just about broke my heart. Sending you good blogger thoughts, peace

Marie Reed said...

I want to throw a few dinars in her pretty basket!

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is charmimg both the girl and rhe tradition.

Unknown said...

A very pretty girl. She's going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up.

MuseSwings said...

Pretty little girl and nice tradition!

soulbrush said...

her innocence and purity shines through, wish there were more little girls like her in this mad mad world we live in.hugs.

Danial Bigham said...

It's attractive.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.