Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Hay" there! (2-for-1 last day of August)

Two-for-one on this last day of August. These two trucks were in front of us on our way back from Pirot the other week. No sooner had we passed the hay truck, which resembled a large hedgehog ambling along, than we found ourselve behind a log truck. Don't you just love how they hope to keep the logs from falling off? That log poised just above the log brace on the left worried was inching its way off ... Then we passed the truck and were gone!


Petrea Burchard said...

A great pair! The top one looks like a chia pet.

I woke up thinking of you this morning. Hoping all is well.

Virginia said...

Hay, those two are real real road hogs I'd say. Looks like a nice curvey road too, so passing is a challenge. That log truck ruined somebody's car before it was all over. Those two little branches were all that was holding the whole thing on? Scary.

Marie Reed said...

What a deal! I can't imagine how half of the hay didn't fall out of the truck!

Obelix said...

2-3 days ago, when I was going to BGD, I saw 1 of these log trucks. But that truck had nothing to prevent logs from falling off. And logs were placed randomly, almost like that hay over there. That was scary! :)
Now, do you remember what was that log truck like? Because I see it's tyres, they are like at trucktors, or some off-road working horse. Not usual for trucks.

alice said...

Thoughts from France.

Riccardo said...

Better to keep a good safety distance from them!!!

soulbrush said...

scary both are, but a nice view. hugs from me to you all.

Meead said...

I just wanted to emphasize Riccardo's suggestion, to keep the safe distance. said...

what beautiful countryside.
thoughts and prayers are being sent to you and yours.

Chuck Pefley said...

As odd as it sounds, I enjoy getting behind motorized creatures like this hedgehog. Now, the log truck, not so much. Fun post!

Kris McCracken said...

I’m not sure how comfortable I’d be behind either of these guys!

Lovely snaps of life in Serbia though!

Becky said...

ACK! Glad you made it. And your description of a hedgehog and its resemblance to the hay pile just made me laugh out loud. Thanks.


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