Monday, September 22, 2008

Picnic Time!

I've joined Muse-swings' ( cyber picnic to celebrate the first day of autumn. This is my contribution, a photo I took a short while ago at a History of Bread exhibit downtown. My favorite roll is the one on the left of the basket, which has the same taste as a soft pretzel. There's a pretzel there, too. There's still time to join the picnic! What will you bring?


Mim said...

I'm still trying to decide what to bring, but this bread looks wonderful! I might just snatch a piece!

Webradio said...

Hello Bibi !
Nice photo...
On dirait du vrai pain...
Vraiment joli !

Sharon said...

Stop! Your making me hungry. Beautiful bread, beautifully photographed.

MuseSwings said...

Delicious! What a perfect picnic post! Bread is so beautiful, isn't it? I'm so glad you could join us. I'll be posting mine early in the morning (eastern standard time) and I've included a shortcut to everyone's post. I'll see you in other time zones tomorrow. We'll have a great day! Just one more bite of bread...maybe two. Yum!

Kris McCracken said...

I could sit and eat bread all day! There is a lovely selection here. Is there a Belgrade specialty? I read somewhere once about the prevalence of Albanian bakers throughout the former Yugoslavia, it sounds like a hard life, living away from their families.

Pat said...

Webradio, it IS real bread! But probably a bit hardened.

Kris, Albanians in Belgrade, who have lived here for a long time, far before the Kosovo crisis, are known for running sweet shops that specialize in very sweet cakes; I'll try to post some.

Marie Reed said...

Oh Bibi! This is just lovely! I actually miss living in Germany. They are such breadaholics too!

vero said...

Pretzel, mmm... very good bread!

Sarah said...

Wow,very nice BiBi,I like to tast them!
It is so enjoyable to go to picnic,I love it...
Good for you

soulbrush said...

yummy love bread...but it doesn't love me (not the wheaty kinds)..happy picnic day to you in belgrade. hugs. said...

I LOVE BREAD! This basket looks delish Bibi, a perfect accompaniment to a picnic.
I was going to bring my dog, but...
well, you'll see.

Virginia said...

Would someone pass the butter please?
Oh after yesterday's post at my blog, I will bring pickled okra! HA

Shelley said...

These breads look too beautiful to eat - but I shall snatch that pretzel!

Lavinia said...

Wonderful! This bread looks soo dee-lish. I see a number of slices and rolls I want to try....including your favourite, the pretzel-y thingy. Mmmmmm.

What a wonderful picnic!

Anonymous said...

that bread looks lovely. :) reminds me that there are so many kinds out there.

marley said...

This is a great idea! I love fresh bread and all of this looks delicious :)

tr3nta said...

wow... all of this bread looks great...

MuseSwings said...

Bibi - I've stopped by for another loaf...uhm...I mean piece of bread. It's perfect with the chicken! Virginia, would you please pass the butter - now that you've finally gotten it? I think I'll have one of those twirley looking ones. Thanks!

marianne said...

Oh I love bread. Thank you!
The baguettes go nice together with my mussels, please come!
Greetings Marianne

Margaret Ann said...

OOOOH MY! My weakness...BREAD...MMMMM!
What a glorious feast we have here today...Stop by my picnic in Arizona USA for a rest in between bites...Thought we might do some sketching...anyone interested??? A glorious day...What fun! :)

Lavinia said...

You are in a very interesting location, and I was wondering, is that your dog in the photo? He is adorable!!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Bread that can only be spread with butter, not margerine. They do look quite ornate. Definitely need a cheeseboard too.

steviewren said...

Oh Bibi, what a wonderful addition to the picnic. This bread tastes like heaven! Let me dip a piece in this bowl of broccoli soup.... mmmmm ...perfect!

I'm loving the international flair that Muse Swing's Indian Summer party has taken on. Do you mind if I slip away for a while...I'm dieing to explore Serbia while I'm here!

ChaChaneen said...

Hello, I'm here! Oh my stars, look at all that wonderful bread! I should have worn elastic because I've ate so much today! StevieWren told me they are having a bon fire across the lake, let's go! Great to meet you and have a great day!

Kelli said...

A picnic aint a picnic without picnic buns!!! Wow! Thanks for sharing!

Becky said...

This is a fantastic picture! Beautiful composition. Well done. Hmmm...a picnic sounds fabulous. It's getting close to being too cold for that here, so I'll have to act fast, but I'll recommend one final picnic of the year to my hubby. Thanks for the idea!

Jill said...

This is a lovely 'still life'!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.