Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ABC Wednesday "O" is for "Oh, wow, was I lucky!"

This hummingbird moth zooming in for a taste of a black-eyed Susan looks more like a country shot than one taken a busy street in Belgrade. I saw this little bugger (pun intended) hovering around the flowers and took about 10 shots. Only this one turned out just right, with the moth centering itself unintentionally (or maybe it felt sorry for me) on the oval of a satellite dish. And I didn't crop this one either!

Join ABC Wednesday at: http://wednesdayabc.blogspot.com/


Webradio said...

This photo is so pretty !

MuseSwings said...

Magic! I've confused those little moths for hummingbirds more than once in my garden.

Anonymous said...

You know, Bibi, life is funney. I love taking photos and have a posh Canon digital SLR camera that cost a fortune. Plus lenses and tripods and whatever. My wife has - by choice - a simple little Canon Ixus camera - an instamatic.

Who takes the best shots? Really hard to say because it is not all about skill and dedication, it is about being there at the right moment and taking the bloody photo.

And that is a very remarkable photograph, it is so rare that I see photos as good as that - whoever takes them.

Thanks a million


Leslie: said...

Oh wOw, you sure were lucky to catch this shot! Good for you and thanks for sharing it with us this O-day of October! :D

Richard Lawry said...

An amazing photo. The shadow of the moth makes it even better.

An Arkie's Musings

Troop 1309 said...

Lucky to be there are the right time! Very nice photo!

soulbrush said...

this is the winning shot...for a photographic competition...wowie bib, you have to enter this into a competition please....

Anonymous said...

This is a really cool photo, Bibi! Svaka ti cast! ;-)

soulbrush said...

there's an award for you on my blog cos I WUV YOUR BLOG!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow... you really are so lucky! Great shot!

My "O" photos are now posted here and here. Hope you can pass by, too! Thanks!

photowannabe said...

Pretty awesome shot. I think you win the prize for the day.

Jane Hards Photography said...

O for overwhelmed by this outstanding image. Bibi I salute you. I would have been so proud to have taken this.

Rob said...

Fantastic photo! An excellent capture. They fly so fast, and hover for brief moments.

Louis la Vache said...

Great catch, Bibi! O, wOw is right!

Tash said...

Isn't it great when the shot is so successful! Well done!

Bear Naked said...

What a shot!
A prize winning photo for sure.

Bear((( )))

AphotoAday said...

That's really a grand shot... Love it...

Unknown said...

Fabulous capture! Nice work.

DeeJay said...

Good shutter timing!

Victor said...

Every day one image really stands out on the portal. Today it is yours. Bravo!

Granny Smith said...

This is a truly amazing shot. It doesn't take just luck to get a shot like this. It takes a discerning eye on the part of the photographer. Congratulations!

Suz Broughton said...

Astonishing! Congrats. You must have been so happy when you found you got the shot!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow is about right!! I'm stunned! I'm sure you could sell that photo, because it must be just so rare to catch that image!

Just beautiful! I had to look twice to make sure that it wasn't a hummingbird on a sunflower!

Thérèse said...

Love it, love it, love it.
Mais je rends grâce à votre oeil!

marley said...

Its alright that only one turned out OK, thats all you need :)

This is the perfect shot.

raf said...

Oh, yes, Bibi you truly nailed it! Bravo!

Becky said...

Well done! I love shots that happen that way...what fun! Thanks for sharing this - it really brightened my otherwise foggy, drizzly day.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.