Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All wrapped up and nowhere to go

Don't these look like something you'd see on a Paris catwalk? They're only mannequins with material wrapped around them to look like skirts and tops, but I think they're really imaginative. I came across them in a dingy underground passage that connects two sides of one of Belgrade's main streets. Whoever created them should consider a career in fashion and literally move up, I think.


Anonymous said...

That is creative!

I love your blog by the way. Having spent a few years in Belgrade as a child, your pictures bring back so much memories, it's such a special, magical place. Keep up the good work!

Louis la Vache said...

Yes! This looks EXACTLY like a shop window one would find in Paris! "Louis" agrees with your thoughts about this. It is truly outstanding!

Profile Not Available said...

Hey Bibi!
I haven't been around for awhile, and I am so glad to come back to visit you after such a long absence! Hope you are well!

Love this shot! It does look Haute Couture!

Tea Time With Melody said...

Very interesting fashion, I kinda like it. Very creative really.

USelaine said...

I would love to have any of those "outfits"! Bravo!

Webradio said...

It's very pretty and cute...
In Paris ? It's too beautiful for Paris...

vero said...

Really creative!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bibi!

Another good capture. Love the "outfits" Very creative.


ps. again, THANK YOU for yesterday's dedication

Richard Lawry said...

Quite interesting. My wife owned a fabric store for a numbers of years. It looks like this place has a lot of fabric in a small space.

An Arkie's Musings

Thérèse said...

J'aime beaucoup beaucoup et cela me fait penser a tout le mal qu'il fallait se donner il y a 20 ans pour se procurer des tissus...

Saretta said...

Hi Bibi, thanks for your email! I will have to buy a new camera soon, maybe Santa Claus will keep me in mind! I love your photos. Why don't I know your blog? How is this possible? I'll be dropping by more frequently!

Virginia said...

Bibi, These are terrific. Oh yes, Paris/Belgrade hit the mark. I would love to see how they are put together. Great find.

Troop 1309 said...

WOW That is really creative! It took me a minute to realize it wasn't a department store display, but a fabric shop!

soulbrush said...

very cleverly done...

Tash said...

I'm with Elaine - I'd love an outfit like that esp the one on the right.
Do you think they still do a lot of business? Are there still many "snajderke"/"krojacice" in Beograd? My father's widow had several pants and skirts made in Sisak while there that fit her perfectly.

Becky said...

You're right! These do look quite creative, and I really like the skirts on the outside mannekins. That seems a weird place for a shop like this, but then again - I know nothing about Belgrade except what I've learned from you.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.