Impressions of Belgrade and Serbia and maybe photos from an in-country trip by a long-term ex-pat.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
All wrapped up and nowhere to go
Don't these look like something you'd see on a Paris catwalk? They're only mannequins with material wrapped around them to look like skirts and tops, but I think they're really imaginative. I came across them in a dingy underground passage that connects two sides of one of Belgrade's main streets. Whoever created them should consider a career in fashion and literally move up, I think.
That is creative!
I love your blog by the way. Having spent a few years in Belgrade as a child, your pictures bring back so much memories, it's such a special, magical place. Keep up the good work!
Hi Bibi, thanks for your email! I will have to buy a new camera soon, maybe Santa Claus will keep me in mind! I love your photos. Why don't I know your blog? How is this possible? I'll be dropping by more frequently!
I'm with Elaine - I'd love an outfit like that esp the one on the right. Do you think they still do a lot of business? Are there still many "snajderke"/"krojacice" in Beograd? My father's widow had several pants and skirts made in Sisak while there that fit her perfectly.
You're right! These do look quite creative, and I really like the skirts on the outside mannekins. That seems a weird place for a shop like this, but then again - I know nothing about Belgrade except what I've learned from you.
That is creative!
I love your blog by the way. Having spent a few years in Belgrade as a child, your pictures bring back so much memories, it's such a special, magical place. Keep up the good work!
Yes! This looks EXACTLY like a shop window one would find in Paris! "Louis" agrees with your thoughts about this. It is truly outstanding!
Hey Bibi!
I haven't been around for awhile, and I am so glad to come back to visit you after such a long absence! Hope you are well!
Love this shot! It does look Haute Couture!
Very interesting fashion, I kinda like it. Very creative really.
I would love to have any of those "outfits"! Bravo!
It's very pretty and cute...
In Paris ? It's too beautiful for Paris...
Really creative!
Hi Bibi!
Another good capture. Love the "outfits" Very creative.
ps. again, THANK YOU for yesterday's dedication
Quite interesting. My wife owned a fabric store for a numbers of years. It looks like this place has a lot of fabric in a small space.
An Arkie's Musings
J'aime beaucoup beaucoup et cela me fait penser a tout le mal qu'il fallait se donner il y a 20 ans pour se procurer des tissus...
Hi Bibi, thanks for your email! I will have to buy a new camera soon, maybe Santa Claus will keep me in mind! I love your photos. Why don't I know your blog? How is this possible? I'll be dropping by more frequently!
Bibi, These are terrific. Oh yes, Paris/Belgrade hit the mark. I would love to see how they are put together. Great find.
WOW That is really creative! It took me a minute to realize it wasn't a department store display, but a fabric shop!
very cleverly done...
I'm with Elaine - I'd love an outfit like that esp the one on the right.
Do you think they still do a lot of business? Are there still many "snajderke"/"krojacice" in Beograd? My father's widow had several pants and skirts made in Sisak while there that fit her perfectly.
You're right! These do look quite creative, and I really like the skirts on the outside mannekins. That seems a weird place for a shop like this, but then again - I know nothing about Belgrade except what I've learned from you.
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