Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

BOO!! Happy Halloween! This is me (actually, Bibi is my dog...) in a photo taken by my son on his cell phone, which has funny photo options. I think Bibi looks very Sixties/Seventies with her afro, don't you?


Knoxville Girl said...

don't know what's scarier - your dog with a bad hair day, or thinking about the 70s (and I say this as been-there-done-that-wore-the-polyester) oh, the horror!

raf said...

Yep, pretty spooky! I don't think Bibi should go the afro though.

MuseSwings said...

Boo! That is one fascinating picture! Yes - very 60's but perfect for Halloween with the effects

Chuck Pefley said...

So very becoming :)

You've outdone yourself yet again!

Webradio said...

Have a Happy Halloween !

Belgrade Daily Photo said...


What lovely almond-shaped eyes she has!

Just what kind of dog is Bibi???

Dan said...

Yikes! Amazing what you can do with image manipulation software.

soulbrush said...

omg this is the most scariest thing i have ever seen.....she runs away in horror!!!!

knew bibi was your dog, so what's your name oh mystery woman?

Louis la Vache said...

Very good!
And a happy halloween to you, to!

Jilly said...

I love this! Spooky but too cute. Great pic, Bibi. Oh well done!

marley said...

Very scary! I like the way the real Bibi looks!

Petrea Burchard said...

Bibi looks like she doesn't like having her picture taken! But the afro suits her, I think...

Jane Hards Photography said...

Made me lol. Words like funky just need to be said. Eerie, but interesting.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.