Friday, December 12, 2008

The Evil Chipsy Eaters

Okay, well, maybe they're not all evil, but the girl on the right definitely has a malicious look as she bites into her chip. The one in the middle looks seductive, and the one on the left just looks happy, as most of us are, to be nibbling a potato chip. "Chipsy" chips are really good, too. I took this photo out of my car window while waiting for the light to change.


Bob Crowe said...

Well, they are kind of evil. They're pretty bad for you, high sodium, cholesterol, calories and all that. Interesting that the faces are all women. Joy, sex and power, all from a mere Chipsy.

Really nice nighttime candid shot, by the way.

Richard Lawry said...

Just give me some chips now!

An Arkie's Musings

Virginia said...

OH BOB! Chips are the next best thing and that's what the girls are trying to tell you!

Marie Reed said...

MMMmM... I will be in the States soon scarfing down cool ranch doritoes:)

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

But wait, isn't the one on the right a boy? I'd swear it is. Maybe he's thinking devilish thoughts about the girls. :)

Pat said...

Doesn't look like one to me, except maybe for his unplucked eyebrows...mine often look like that, so I'm not sure.

Knoxville Girl said...

the one in the middle is scary. this is a really good nighttime capture. now I want some chips, and it's only 9 a.m. in Knoxville. oh well, breakfast of champions, I'm off to the vending machines now.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I have no weakness for chocolate but crips as we call them here I ma a sucker for. I am afrid I will follow the daskside on this one.

Dan said...

Joy, sex, power, great observation and certain among my favorite things!

Babooshka can have all my crisps if she give me her chocolate, that is definately my weakness!

MuseSwings said...

Love it! Evil Chipsey Eaters! Hahaha! The one on the right looks like she's thinking "And you're next."

Tash said...

Very seductive - I bet the ad sells lots of chips. I'd love to try them - they must be imported somewhere in LA. Great photo, so well composed.

USelaine said...

Yup, definitely has sexual overtones there. Humble spuds.

Squirrel said...

Chipsys! gypsy chips.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.