Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A flag, of sorts.

I always carry my camera with me wherever I go, as I imagine you all do, too. Sometimes at first I don't see a single thing worthy of a shot, but when I look harder, there's always something there. Such was the case yesterday while I was waiting for the bus after a trip to town. Bored, and still with an empty camera, I turned around to peek through a dilapidated fence and spied this alternate version of the Serbian flag! The flag of Serbia is a tricolor with three equal horizontal fields, red on the top, blue in the middle, and white on the bottom. The same tricolor, in a number of variations, was the flag of Serbia throughout history, and is the National flag of Serbs. I imagine the lady of the house didn't have patriotism in mind at all as she hung out her sheets, but that's the way I saw her arrangement.


marley said...

Very cool! I'm so bad at taking my camera with me. I've really got to start getting in the habit!

Wayne said...

Darn, if it had been underwear on the line you could have called it a flag of shorts, heh, heh, heh,

Virginia said...

Vive la Serbia??? Smart thinking and Marley needs to get with the program or he'll be missing some grand shots.

Pat said...

Hi, all! Thanks for your comments. Marley, I actually had posted some undies in a line here:


but didn't make a flag connection since they were all white!

raf said...

This is great, Bibi. As you say, sometimes there is no shot, but just wait or look a little harder.
In this case, the white circular satellite dish makes it all the more interesting.

Saretta said...

You have a creative mind and eye Bibi!

Knoxville Girl said...

ha! you made something clever out of the mundane! kudos, Bibi

Jane Hards Photography said...

As I alway say it is the human that thinks the image. Lateral thinking has been rewarded with artful image.

MuseSwings said...

Good catch on that one! You have an eye for life, Bibi!
A blessed Christmas to you and yours!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I'm one who always takes my camera with me, that way it's not so hard to squeeze in a few minutes to take some pictures here and there like you did while you were waiting for the bus!

Good thing she (or dare I say, he???) didn't throw a white sheet in with those red and blue ones. I can't think of any flags that use purple. (Well, besides the rainbow flag.)

Thérèse said...

Wayne's comment: lol

Marianne said...

I like this, Bibi. Great eye you have.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.