Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ABC Wednesday "W" is for "But WHEN did you leave?"

This sign on my local newsstand reads "I'll be back in 30 minutes."But WHEN did you leave? "

To take part in ABC Wednesday, go to:


Chuck Pefley said...

Ah ... that is always the thought that runs through my mind whenever I see a sign like this ... back in ??? How much more helpful if a clock sign with moveable hands was used. Then you'd know if the return was imminent or sometime in the next millennium.

MuseSwings said...

That's exactly the same question I ask when I see the "be back" signs! Great shot of the age old queston prompting note!

anthonynorth said...

Yes, we often see such notes. Strange.

ArneA said...

W is for waiting time over.
Merry Christmas!

antigoni said...

Great and funny post! Merry Christmas.

Bear Naked said...

Wonderful choice for the letter W on ABC Wednesday.
Merry Christmas from my blog to your blog.

Bear((( )))

Marianne said...

I see these around New York too. It amuses and irks.

soulbrush said...

hiya, i am so glad to be back home and receieved your parcel today. i am thrilled and will write you an e mail soon, the book, what a surprise, wow!!! am so excited. have a very happy xmas (but i think you celebrate later?)

Jane Hards Photography said...

This is obviously universal as is happens here too and try as you might to explain to the shop owner why the leaving time is necessary it fall on to deaf ears.

Wishing you and yours the best Christmas you can have this year.
Take care Bibi,

Dragonstar said...

Very clever choice!

Although I am very late, I'd like to offer Seasonal good wishes on behalf of the Team.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.