Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays

No, it hasn't snowed here yet, but I am hoping. I know many of you are snowed in, but I'd just like a little. This is a photo from last year at this time. Not an original shot, but one to wish you readers the very best for the end-of-year holidays you celebrate and a healthy New Year. Be kind to each other, and appreciate each moment.

UPDATE: It's now 10 a.m. and it is SNOWING, so the scene from my window actually does look like this!


Anonymous said...

It is a lovely photograph.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family from me and Patty.

marley said...

Merry Christmas Bibi, I hope that 2009 is better to you.

Marley :)

Clueless in Boston said...

Very nice photo. The red candle really pops in the picture. Have a merry Christmas and I hope you have some snow soon.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Bibi. I wish I could share some of our snow with you.

Juliette said...

Here's to each moment. Happy holidays to you!!

Chuck Pefley said...

Be careful what you wish for, Bibi :)

Happy Holidays to you!!

By the way, I'll try to stop in and visit your daughter sometime soon.

Pat said...

Hey!!!UPDATE! It's now 10 a.m. local time and SNOWING!

raf said...

Ah, this is a lovely post, Bibi. The warmth of Christmas and the cold of winter contrast so well in that image. Wishing you and yours the best for the holidays and a great new year.

Hey, let it snow...

soulbrush said...

oh wow, i have this photo too..magnificent. ho ho ho to you too. of course i saw you wrote it, was thrilled. want you to write an inscription for my new granddaughter when she comes and i know her name...please. you are so clever, and i am so impressed. is it the only one you've done? wow!!!

Bear Naked said...

How wonderful, you are having a white Christmas.

Bear((( )))

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

I thought of you when I saw the snow today! :)

Virginia said...

Merry Christmas Bibi, glad you are getting snow. At least you have something to post tomorrow!!! I may be photographing leftovers-ha!

Maki said...

Merry Christmas!


Saretta said...

What a lovely, classic Christmas image! A white Christmas...lucky you!

Petrea Burchard said...

Merry Christmas to you, Pat. I hope 2009 brings you blessings.

Marianne said...

Pretty. Enjoy walking in it Bibi.
The rain washed away all our icey snow and I'm rather glad of that.
Merry Christmas. Beautiful photo. Thanks for your photo gifts every day.

Tash said...

I'm so glad you got some snow! I wish you and your dear ones a very Merry Christmas and I hope you are all able to be together.

Lynette said...

Happy Holidays to one and all from Mama, Duncan, Lamont, Leland, Kailey, and Lynette, from Portland, Oregon, USA.

Meead said...

Merry Christmas Bibi :)

Tea Time With Melody said...

That is a very beautiful picture. Such color against a black and white background. Hope you enjoyed a special holiday on Christmas and agin on January 7th.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.