Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I didn't enter the Theme Day this month, simply because it's so hard to choose a "best" photo, since I couldn't actually decide what "best" means. Best sentiment, best composition, best quick shot, the photo that readers determined best and commented the most on? So I'm simply posting a not-so-original shot taken from my porch. At midnight I stepped out to make this hand-held shot, since there are firecrackers and rockets going off all over the place in my neighborhood, and I didn't want to become an accidental target. This looks a bit like a war zone, I think, since you can see the smoke from some of the city fireworks in the sky on the right.


Juliette said...

Happy New Year! Bonne année!!

Meead said...

Happy New Year Bibi. I wish you a very good year in 2009.

Petrea Burchard said...

Happy new year, Bibi. May 2009 bring you new joys.

bitingmidge said...

I didn't see fireworks, so reckon this is a great shot - hope you have a fantastic 2009!

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Oh I hope your little dog Bibi has recovered from all of the noise!

I don't know if it was just me but it seemed they went even more over the top with fireworks this year, maybe to compensate for only having one stage downtown. I was actually there watching Bregovic and the crowd seemed to be getting restless as the fireworks went on and on and on. :) But it was fun.

soulbrush said...

what a great pic, at midnight i was in bed fast asleep. ha ha...too late for me!and happy 2009 to you too. hugs.

MuseSwings said...

Bibi! It's the first day of a new year and you got to see it hours before I did. I think the most notable thing about the new year for me is that for the first 3 months I'll still be writing 2008. I'm looking forward to another year of the best Bibi photos ever!

marley said...

Happy New Year Bibi. I hope 2009 is better for you and your family. Think of you.

This is a great firework shot, especially hand held. Mine came out very blurred!

Clueless in Boston said...

I've enjoyed visiting your blog and look forward to many more visits in the new year. Happy theme day (even thought you didn't participate) and happy new year too! Wishing you peace, joy, and prosperity in 2009.

Saretta said...

I love the redness to this photo. You did a great job capturing the fireworks!

Happy 2009!

Maki said...

Hope 2009 finds you in the best of health and brings peace & happiness.

I love visiting your blog every day, even if I don't sign in.

My best was the picture of Studenski Park you dedicated to me. I will never forget that day!!

Happy New 2009 to you & your Family and to all your visitors of Yankee in BG.


Kris McCracken said...

Happy New Year!

Merry New Year?

Rosie said...

Hey Bibi
I know the feeling. I voted against it in the forums but unfortunately too many people wanted it to be the best photo...
I am glad you didn't enter thought because you gave us not only something new but also one of the nicest pictures of all CDPs...
Happy New Year!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I simply chose the one that I get emailed about daily. For an image you just stepped out and shot it is a sumptious ruby night scene. I hope 2009 is kinder to you and yours.

Buck said...

Hand held? I bow to the master! Wow, that's gorgeous!

USelaine said...

I love the pools of light on the streets below as much as that perfect explosion of color!

May the new year bring you hope and blessings, Bibi.

Louis la Vache said...

"Louis" has been so busy with his new espresso shop, he hasn't had much time to visit, much less comment.

All best wishes to you this New Year!

Kim said...

Bibi, I am lifting my glass to you (actually my cup of coffee, truth be told) and toasting to a new year of promise. One of those good things I look forward to is the possibility of your coming our way, as I read you might in Chuck's comment box.

I've been a huge fan of your images since before this blog. . .I'm trying to think how I first saw some of them. . .was it through PDP? Anyway, your shots just get better and better. And I've loved seeing your view of Belgrade. You bring it to life. I could pick several faves from among your shots.

I am wishing you energy, serenity, good health, close relationships, and many reasons for laughter and joy in this new year.
Seattle Daily Photo

I am wishing you a

Jilly said...

This is a lovely photo to welcome in the New Year. I know just what you mean about choosing. I really didn't give mine much time with the new dogs - would do it all differently given the opportunity again!

Have a wonderful new year, and thanks so much for your comments on the new arrivals.

Thérèse said...

A safe New Year to you Pat. I am glad I discovered your blog in 2008.

AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com said...

Have belated Happy New Year.

I also was not able to decide in the best photo for 2008. :-(

What if somebody say to you, all your photos posted in your blog for 2008 will be erase, you get to keep just one photo. Which one would you keep?

Tea Time With Melody said...

Wow, what a great photo.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...