Sunday, November 8, 2009

Women's rights

With several of my past photos having been taken out my automobile window, you must think I spend my waking hours in a car. I was actually a passenger when I took this photo. Belgrade Boys are a particular group of Red Star soccer team fans gone bad...hooligans in the worst sense, but this blog isn't the place to go into that. Google if you like.

Not a group to emulate, and I can only hope that the 'girls' simply wanted a voice.


Alexa said...

You go, girls! (But don't emulate the bad boys.) You are truly a master of the "auto photo," Bibi!

Virginia said...


Lowell said...

I hope you're right. Methinks folks in your part of the world take soccer more seriously than our fans take football. Although the last time I went to a professional football game I vowed it would be my last time. Morons R us!

Thérèse said...

I thought you had stopped to visit a restroom...

ninja said...

I'm afraid it's the rival hooligan group that scratched the 'boys' and put in 'girls' as in 'you're nothing but a band of girls'

Pat said...

Hey, Koala, I bet you are right! Never thought of that, but I'm sure that's it.

Girls! Take offense at the gender slap!

soulbrush said...

yup i also say go girls go.

Marie-Noyale said...

Those girls are really nice ..
They could have painted black over it!!

Bergson said...

girls are so funny

-K- said...

This photo suggests a strange story but what it is will always been a mystery.


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...