Thursday, February 19, 2009

Through my windshield

It's snowing, snowing, snowing, and it's the wet kind. This photo was taken a couple of days ago when I ventured out by car with Bibi to the river park along the Danube. This is a view through my windshield, but of course I was parked....otherwise you'd have gotten a close-up of tree bark.


Bob Crowe said...

Bibi - this is quite poetic, an impressionist sketch. The water spots and lines on the windshield make a complex interaction with the trees and snow. said...

I love the dark contrast of the trees bark against the blurrieness of the droplets on the windshield. I find this quite beautiful.
Congratulations to you & yours on your daughters engagement. That was such a touching post. I wish them all the best.

Anonymous said...

beautiful photo. I agree with Bob, very impressionist in feel, like a Monet or Van it.

Tea Time With Melody said...

Great picture. You always manage to find something to take a picture of. We went on a trip this past weekend and I wanted to take the camera and I forgot it! Then when we got home I saw it in the trunk! My dear husband put it there for me but forgot to tell me it was there not to mention forgetting it was there altogether. LOL I can laugh now but I was so mad.

amatamari© said...

very nice picture ... thanks

Marie Reed said...

Ditto! It looks like a painting!

angela said...

What an excellent photo. The bluuring effect of the raindrops make the scene very beautiful..

soulbrush said...

although cold and uninviting, it is a very beautiful vision. lucky bibi to get out and about.

namaki said...

This is a very nice picture ... the mood is all set ... you can feel the dampness ! the black and white is prefect here !

Jilly said...

Marvellous photos on all the levels, the water on the screen and the trees and snow. Love it.

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Gorgeous photo, and it captures how I feel lately, I don't want to go out in the cold and ice!

Tamera said...

I am presenting you with a Kreativ Blogger award!

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Debby said...

What a cool, cool picture! I love the way the drops just adds an impressionist's touch to the scene.

Marie-Noyale said...

I tries that too but your picture is Much better than mine!!
Really nice.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Beauty is everyhwere we just have to look.


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