At 31, my son is hardly a baby anymore, but as all mothers who read this know, we always tend to think of them as "baby boy" and 'baby girl". Above is an arrangement I made for my son's birthday, similar to
the one I made for my daughter last October. You can see his first bunny, tiny moccasins, a cat/fox (never could tell), his much-loved Curious George (original nose was chewed off), a soap carving, a carved owl, a dragster, a Swiss Army knife, and a little Serbian boy candle, all arranged on his first knitted blanket. Gosh, how time flies. Happy Birthday, "Baby Boy," and many, many more. Your sister and I love you, and I know your father is with us all today.
Happy birthday to your big baby! Enjoy :)
Very moving!
Happy Birthday to your BB. I am not a teary person but you do make my lip quiver with the narrtative and images.
Well I AM a teary person and that just made my lip quiver BIG TIME! Your visual tributes are always so perfect Bibi. Hope the BB knows what a special mom he has. I 'll just bet he does! My best to him on his special day.
The cat/fox looks like a bear to me
I agree, they will always be our "babies".
a wonderfully touching, thoughtful idea. happy happy birthday to your son.
Happy Birthday to your baby boy! My baby daughter will be 39 on Monday!
Since I have just come from a visit at my son's house, this picture made me cry. What a lovely idea.
Happy Birthday to your son! A wonderful picture!
(it's my birthday today, too, so it was a delightful surprise to see your blog today).
Enjoy the cake :)
(we'll be having carrot cake)
Branka M.
Happy B-Day to your "Baby Boy". You certanly brought tears to my eyes with your moving tribute.
ps. would you mind sending me an e-mail?
Branka! I don't seem to have your email anymore and don't see one for you on your profile. Please write me at the link under my profile.
Oh my...this is a touching post. Well done. Patty and I would like to add our best birthday wishes.
You can tell your "Baby Boy" that Abraham Lincoln said, "Hello, and Happy Birthday" all the way from Brookville, Ohio in the U.S.A. And my wife of 53 years said happy birthday too.
Pat and Abe Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio
Happy birthday to your big baby boy!
Happy birthday to your son! What a lovely idea! I may need to steal this one from you for my sons birthdays.
Thanks for visiting my blog - it's so exciting that you are from Harrisburg and have lived in such an interesting country for so long! I've boookmarked your blog, so I'll be back. I'll be thinking of you when I choose my photo for today!
Let me add my best wishes as well. You son is indeed lucky to have you for a mom! When I see all the folks who got teary over this (me too), I just wonder what your son thinks of it—I imagine he's touched as well.
happy happy birthday beloved son. my baby will be 33 soon. how time flies.i bet he loved this, sons are so loving.
Curious George is as cute as his button nose! Happy birthday wishes to your baby boy:)
Those early days stay so close to our hearts, don't they. So much love and care lavished on our little ones, so many fond memories of snuggles in that blanket with those old plush friends, reading Curious George's mischievous adventures together. And these days, a fine young man to love and cherish just as much but in other ways. Wishing him and you much happiness today. Lucky kid to have a mom like you! Now, did you carve the owl and the soap sculpture with that pocket knife? Pretty talented, too!
Seattle Daily Photo
I meant did HE do the carving with that knife. . .
I arrive just in time before Midnight.. To wish him a very Happy Birthday and 31th year.
What a nice picture this is.. with all those wonderful memories.. I love the very worn and aged teddy bears and Monkey!!
He'll always be your baby!
A belated very happy birthday wish. You are right - whether it's 13 or 31, our 'babies' are so very precious.
Congratulations on being a lovely Mum :-)
best wishes Ribbon
That's so sweet of you to do this for your son. And it's amazing that you still keep his old toys after so many years. They must have brought lotsa nice memories to him about his childhood. A Happy Birthday to your son too!
Alas, I have not kept any of my toys from my childhood days. It would be lovely to be able to hold them and recall all those fun time I had playing with them.
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