Friday, February 20, 2009

Two walkers in the snow

I'm always intrigued by people using umbrellas when it snows. For me, umbrellas are just for rain, but then a bumbershoot IS perhaps practical for snow. Try as I might, I just can't get the smaller walker shown here to carry an umbrella.


Lowell said...

Terrific composition. The black against the white is magnificent!

Lowell said...

Me again. Did you get my notice of the Kreative Blogger award?

Миррослав Б Душанић said...

I think that's funny
But the picture is beautiful


Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Maybe pick up one of these? ;-)

Unknown said...

I learned to use an umbrella when it snows and now can't live without it :)

Wayne said...

They can make for good photos. I don't own one myself.

Thérèse said...

Terrific picture Bibi. The little dog doesn't seem too keen to move on though.

Virginia said...

Bibi, This is my NUMBER ONE photo of yours. It's gorgeous!!! I love it for a lot of reasons,one is it reminds me of a Palais Royal photo I took if it were snowing. The other reasons are too many to name. The composition, everything.

Pat said...

Hi, folks! If you haven't checked out the link Belgrade Daily Photo left, please do!

BDP, Oh, that is GREAT!! I think that's really funny...but probably impractical for a dog that likes to run! A real eye-catcher, though!

Therese,the little dog IS Bibi! I use my dog's name as my blogger name! :<)

Kim said...

Bibi pulls the composition of this photo into the perfection ultimate zone. Ditto to the max everything Virginia said. This is my fave of all faves, and I love that Bibi is in it. For some reason, I expect Mr. Tumnus to come prancing out of the woods and into this scene!

Wayne, LOL, spoken like a true Pacific Northwesterner!

Seattle Daily Photo

Marie Reed said...

Brrrr... I would love this picture more if my heater hadn't died two days ago! I'm so cold!!!

Marie-Noyale said...

I thought I had have enough of the snow shots..
Not true, this one is just perfect!
You even see the snowflakes on the umbrella!!
Have a good week end,hopefully with some blue sky!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I am with Virginia. This is a classic in every way. You could not have staged the scene any better. I see This as your Christmas Card this year. It's such an evocative image. I wouldn't change one snowflake. Not that we have snow but I admit to using a brolly. Moisture my hair bad combination.

soulbrush said...

this is brilliant, i agree with the above people, make a wonderful xmas card.

Jilly said...

Adore this shot. Of course it's 'made' by the umbrella and of course the little griffon type dog. Superb shot!

Jilly said...

Oh, that's Bibi, isn't it?! Duh...

Jilly said...

Oh, that's Bibi, isn't it?! Duh...

raf said...

Had to smile when you used a certain word in the text, Bibi. Not many people outside of this area know what a bumbershoot is or so it seems.
This is truly an exceptional image! A winner on all counts. Even better with Bibi playing her part in it too.

Tea Time With Melody said...

That is a fantastic photo. I just love the composition. I sure hope you frame some of the pictures you take because they are fabulous.

ninja said...

So true. Experiencing Winter every year of my life I've never even thought of using an umbrella unless it's raining.


 I have seen this woman frequently in different seasons, seated in the same place near a large open market. She doesn't seem to be askin...