Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ABC Wednesday "H' for "houseboats again"

I keep reading in a number of people's blogs that spring has arrived in their area, but it's slow in coming here in Belgrade. Okay, I know it's not supposed to officially arrive until the 20/21st, but still. This is a photo of two houseboats on the Sava that won't be visible from where I took them once the trees get leaves. I want color! Green!

I posted another ABC Wednesday about houseboats right here .

Join ABC Wednesday at Mrs. Nesbitt's .


~Cheryl said...

Great photo! I'm with bones could use more sunshine and less snowflakes!

marley said...

It will come eventually! This is a beautiful photo. Really wintry (sorry!)

I'm going away for a few days and read on the forum that you'll be one year old on Saturday. I'll congratulate you now - Congratulations!

I thoroughly enjoy your blog and your photos are inspiring. I know you have had a difficult time recently, it must have been a struggle to carry on blogging at times. I'm pleased you have. Keep up the excellent work.

All the best
marley :)

Lowell said...

Love houseboats, though I don't know that I'd want to live on one. No grass to cut, that's something. They do look a bit isolated and cold in this photo, though.

Hope Spring springs soon for you.

Kris McCracken said...

Another great sky.

Virginia said...

What a sweet sweet comment from our Marley!!!
This is one of your best Bibi. How many times have I said that !HA One year. Hooray for you. I might have 300 coming up . Never think to look. Here's to many more my friend.

Tea Time With Melody said...

Hi Bibi, I want green too. I want warmer weather. Here in the Bay Area, it has been raining for quite a while with the last few days nice and sunny but very cold.

MuseSwings said...

I think I would love to live on a houseboat for a while! I enjoyed your second installment of the floating homes!

photowannabe said...

I don't blame you for wanting green. Its so alive. I hope it comes soon for you.

Tash said...

But, but if it was green it wouldn't be this amazing photo. Really striking!

Tash said...

PS - you can see where the naive painters got their inspiration.

Thérèse said...

I am pretty sure that if you look carefully in one little corner you will discover some tiny little green leaf coming out.

Thérèse said...

I like the shot by the way... with the light coming from above.

Marie Reed said...

I secretly don't like all of those posts about Spring! I'm freezing and grumpy!

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Great photo, I love those boat-houses. It must be wonderful to live in one of those.

Take Care,Tyra


raf said...

Not the green yet, but what you've given us is a very effective winter shot of that big moody sky and the cold, silver Sava. Yep, the darkened houseboats look colder yet. Well done, Bibi!

Mara said...

Lovely photo

Anonymous said...

This is a fine looking photograph. A peaceful scene.

Richard Lawry said...
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Richard Lawry said...

What a beautiful photo. It looks like a painting. I like the almost monotone look.

An Arkies Musings

Debby said...

When I first saw pictures, I thought it was interesting. Now I'm curious to know how common it is to live on the river.

I want green, too. I've seen signs of spring, but am hungering for more.

Arma_Zen said...

Great photo!

Chuck Pefley said...

Let's see ... perhaps a green filter? Or leave the cheese on the table for a few days? Or a visit to the paint store? All kinds of options for green -:)

B SQUARED said...

Nice shot. Almost black & white appearance. We are having the driest winter on record. Everything is brown and fire is a constant danger. We need rain.

Tumblewords: said...

So much winter everywhere! This is a beautiful shot - I've always yearned to spend a few years in a houseboat! Great topic!

Marie-Noyale said...

Waiting for the green too ,but I think you are doing pretty good meanwhile!!
This is Beautiful.

Stefan Jansson said...

At least you don't have any snow!

Jane Hards Photography said...

This image makes me not long for spring with the cool crisp winter light.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!