Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Layers of past and present

This bulletin board hangs on a wall on a street downtown. I love the collage that was unintentionally created here. There are advertisements, some old, some new, for a ballet school for little girls, jazz ballet, schoolbooks, and a vocational school to become a waiter/waitress, locksmith, carpenter, and other trades.


Lowell said...

Very interesting photo...evidently no one is in charge of keeping this up to date...but it sure is colorful!

ninja said...

This is great. As if life, fate, circumstances, whatever you call it, was the artist.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the cyrillic script in your posts...I can still read it & that makes me happy. I haven't heard the word 'udjbenici' in a very long time. This is really excellent find.

Marie Reed said...

'udjbenici' - Now I'm curious! What does that mean? :)

antigoni said...

Beautiful post!

Pat said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

I featured a community board on my blog, which is unpdated, but this has more artistic value. It's the glimpses of the past. You want to peel back those layers to reveal.

Binoy Mathew said...

oh great... these are common things which we used to see in everyday life.. but when someone mentions it specially, that becomes something great.. a change in the perception rather than being a clutter of billboards

Thérèse said...

A bulletin board's winterbreak!

Powell River Books said...

What a great looking bulletin board. The mix of colours and texture makes it so interesting. I just noticed that your banner picture looks like float cabins. Can you tell me more about it? - Margy

Rob said...

Years of advertisements and well used.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!