Thursday, March 12, 2009

Poppy Seed Cake

Having grown up in the US, I remember the poppy seed rolls that my grandfather used to bring home to accompany our Sunday dinner. That was the extent of my poppy seed experience. Here in Belgrade, they're put to a different use in the form of poppy seed cake roll like the one pictured above. Sometimes raisins are added, too. My husband LOVED this cake very much, but I never acquired a taste for it, since poppy seeds for me are for dinner rolls, not sweets.

This is a Happy Birthday photo is for my very, very good friend, Marianne, who is now in New York, but who, dare I hope, will return to Belgrade in the not-too-far-off future. Marianne and I weathered many storms here, including the NATO bombing of 1999, and she has been a faithful friend.
Enjoy your cake, Marianne. This cake comes from your favorite shop, and I even made you a Turkish coffee, but it's cut off on the photo.... Come on over and get the real thing.
(And all of you come back on Saturday for Yankee's one-year anniversary!)


Hilda said...

That looks and sounds so yummy! I'd love to try it. I like poppy seeds on bagels and dinner rolls too, but poppy seed anything is not common in Manila.

Happy birthday to your friend Marianne! I'm sorry to hear that you have just lost a companion in Belgrade. Hope she can go back soon.

~Cheryl said...

I have neighbors from Moldavia and was given one of these poppy seed rolls. I liked it! But I was afraid to smile for days for fear I had those seeds stuck in my teeth!

Marianne said...

Oh, yum! love it. And thanks Pat for the wishes. I'm sitting here in NY smiling and feeling wistful.
See you soon.

Antjas said...

I didn't acquire a taste for makovnjaca either, but I sure loved my mom's orehnajaca.

Thérèse said...

Happy Birthday to your friend Marianne in New York! and I'll will not miss your One Year Anniversary on Saturday!

antigoni said...

Happy birthday to your friend, Bibi. Friends are so important to our lives. I'm sure you miss your friend but love and friendship travel far away and she will feel your feelings.

Marie Reed said...

The NATO bombing! Holy crap Bibi... What in the world happened? That deserves a follow up post!

Pat said...

There will be, Marie...come back on the 24th...

Anonymous said...

That looks VERY seedy! I have no problem with them being used for something sweet, but don't they all get stuck in your teeth? Or do they go soft after cooking?

I'm showing my age, aren't I? LOL!

Pat said...

Hi, Jay! Yes, I guess they do get stuck in your teeth, but a high concentration of poppy seeds also gives you a very slight 'rush,' which I suppose is related to a product produced by some from poppies...

Anonymous said...

yummm. I love poppy seed desserts. This one is great, but my all time favorite is my godmother's poppy seed cake with raisins. The "rush" and the funny looking teeth are worth it, but again, it's an acquired taste.

Branka M.

Marie-Noyale said...

Happy birthday to your friend Marianne.
That's a lot of poppy seeds in a mouthful !!

ninja said...

We have the same cake! Especially for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Ah ... so it might be worth it, then? LOL!

Debby said...

I never met a cake I didn't like....

MuseSwings said...

I LOVE poppyseed cake! There is a Romanian version and a polish version - both look just like your picture and all probably have a very similar flavor: delicious!
One year anniversary! I'll come help you celebrate on Monday.

Chuck Pefley said...

I'm a poppy seed fan, too, and when combined with lemon it makes an unbeatable combination!

Yes to coffee and a Magnolia-Queen Anne tour when you visit.

Tea Time With Melody said...

I don't know if that is your picture or not but I love the fork. Very pretty design.

Anonymous said...

the pic looks fantastic. i would love a slice of poppy seed cake. I live away from home and i don't get to eat many serbian dishes were i live.

LA / nodecaf said...

I love that you post little bits of things that are so typically Serbian. I live far away from any connection to Serb culture. (I swear my son and I are the only two Serbs in this town.) Your blog is a wonderful window doling out little snips of our roots.


Postcardy said...

That picture makes me hungry. Maybe you would like poppyseed coffecake.


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