Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Easter....again.

Today is Serbian Orthodox Easter, a happy occasion, unless you are a lamb. I must say I am having lamb today, and will try not to think about how it ended up on my plate.


soulbrush said...

naughty naughty...but nice....

Anonymous said...

Христос Васкрсе!

Virginia said...

I love it when we get to spend Greek Easter with our Greek friends here in town. They make the best lamb and everything else!!!! Baaaaaaa! :)

Shadow said...

You know, from a distance, the lambs take on a slightly (creepy) human look. I'm suddenly not very hungry!

Anonymous said...

vaistinu vaskrse!

and also from me to everyone celebrating: Hristos vaskrse!

bibi love the pic, especially the credit-card-emblems ...


a bloody shoppingwindow and these emblems, i think you don't have to be cynic to say that this somehow fits...

Nomad said...

Hristos Vaskrese,

I hope you have nice Easter :)

Lots of regards,


Aleks said...

Happy Easter again,and good luck with a lamb :O)

Миррослав Б Душанић said...

Христос васкрсе!

Jane Hards Photography said...

As a veggie it's no on the lamb but the other would dive in. The bus ride to the latest photo shoot passing rolling fields of hundreds of lambs at the moment. I like this two Easter idea.

marley said...

Quite the contrast to my Sunday photo! Happy Easter again :)

Tash said...

Hristos Vaskrse! (Sorry it's in 'latinica')
I've forgotten that lamb is traditional for Easter. We've been getting together with my husband's family for the past 15 years for Easter and eating ham. I can make a really mean traditional (nothing out of the ordinary) American potatoe salad now (husband's aunt's receipe)

Marie-Noyale said...

I said I would be back last week to wish you a Very Happy Easter and Here I am ...late again!!
Hope you enjoyed the lamb,we had it too a week ago...

MuseSwings said...

I would prefer lamb for Easter, but I get outvoted every year!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.