Spotted this little beauty a while back on a main street in Zemun, but I was in my car (which is not nearly as decorative) and couldn't stop. Last Saturday I walked over to Zemun and was lucky enough to find this creatively decorated Niva (Russian model). I took photos from just about every angle, but this is the most representative. Sorry to say that the inside isn't pimped up...yet.
what an interesting vehicle with the bull horns on the front and back of it...is that an axe on it as well?
nice capture.
The only place I've ever seen anything quite like this was Texas...and those people are nuts!
Great shot!
I was going to say it looked like it belonged on safari, but I'll go along with Jacob and say Texas too.
I'm laughing so hard. I don't know what to say about this!HA
Custom Car a la Belgrade! I love it!
What an amazing amount of work and creativity went into that art car. You were lucky to find it again!
LOL! It's pure grooviness!
Once seen never forgotten! I have a car on my post today, but not like this one.
Wow! She's an amazin' specimen, that! I'm such a sucker for tasteful monotones. :-)
I love this vehicle. If you've ever ridden in a Lada Niva, it almost feels as bumpy as riding a bull, so the horns are completely appropriate.
A Russian Woody, How cool!
Prête à sauter dans l'arène! lol
Coud be something I see at the Whitney Museum's Biennial!!!
What can I say? I'm speechless!
B2's comment cracked me up! I had to come back to see this again. A "piece" if I ever saw one. I wish someone would pimp my wheels. It's sucking the life out of me at the car repair place lately. Grrrrr
Very eclectic decorating! I don't think fuzzy dice will work here.
Oh Bibi, what a find. What an amazing concoction. Just love it and well photographed too. Get those horns!
:-))) I've posted the same car almost exactly a year ago http://jednafotkanadan.blogspot.com/2008/04/indiana-jones-car-serbian-version.html
I think he put some new decorations in the meantime
Very cool! What's really interesting is that the ornaments are all of the same tone. wow.
I saw a really weird convertible in San Pedro close to my friends house. It was just too ugly to photograph.
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