Monday, May 4, 2009

Composition in Blue

This one is for Virginia at Birmingham Alabama Daily Photo, who I believe inadvertently started a 'table and chairs' meme (I guess that's what it is; Google says a meme is "An idea that, like a gene, can replicate and evolve.) In any case, this is another contribution from me. I liked the colors and the geometric patterns.


Anonymous said...

Lots of straight lines. Interesting photo.

Virginia said...

How great. I love this worn table and that cute wire chair. The nice cobblestone off to the side is a great addition as well. Thank you for joining in the fun. I appreciate that so much!

xxx said...

I like it!

I have an award that I would like to share with you.
Please visit when you can to collect your award and do with it a you please.

best wishes

Pyzahn said...

I really love this photo. Very interesting textures. The composition makes you look and study the subject matter. Not a typical in your face obvious shot. You have a great eye.

Marie Reed said...

The weathered splash of color is so pretty! I have writers block and have just posted an old article today!

soulbrush said...

i too like the composition. proves yet again that 'old is interesting'..

alice said...

I do like it too!

Erin said...

love this capture...and the textures and colors...perfection.
have a lovely rest of monday... said...

I love these contrasting blues, light and dark with different hues.

Marie said...

Very nice composition and colors. I like the "geommetry" of the photo.

Bibi, I will go to Corconne as soon as I can. I am going to email my friends from le Gard.....

My email address: mariephe at yahoo dot com

Thérèse said...

Virginia will have to do something about what the idea she sent all over the world.

marley said...

Really nice, I like the faded paint on the table.

antigoni said...

It's a very beautiful photo. I like blue color very much.

Marie-Noyale said...

A beautiful blue geometric composition, Bibi!
I think V. started something interesting...

Dan said...

Love this image. the combination of shape, texture and color is really eye catching. Nice work!

Alexa said...

This blue reminds me of another post of yours. And I love the geometry of the lines and the squares here.

Jane Hards Photography said...

The title alone does it for me. V really has started something a very worthy addition. I like the corner to corner aspect sneaking blue lines and form.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.