Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ABC Wednesday "U" is for 'ultra-cool"

Finally I can use this! I took this photo last winter with the full intention of posting it during a hot spell, which we have been having! I'll bet these folks wish their air conditioner were still this cold!

Join ABC Wednesday!


marley said...

Ultra-cool! Brilliant! I love these icicles, a nice memory from winter :)

PJ said...

I'll come back in August and give this a lick. I'll need it by then.

Bradley Hsi said...

Great, what brand is it? It certainly worked so efficient that even coool itself to below zero!!

Small City Scenes said...

Perfect for today. Icicles how funny. MB

lady jicky said...

its winter in my neck of the woods and it would fit right in at the moment! LOL

Lowell said...

Boy, I did a double-take on this one...could it be...icicles in June?

Great picture, and I'm glad that you finally got to use it. I feel cooler just looking at it!

James said...

Brrrrr that is really cold. said...

this is so funny! great U post.

photowannabe said...

This is totally ultra cool. Great shot and perfect choice for the letter U.

Marie Reed said...

You're such a cool cat..ummm dog!

soulbrush said...

here in london it still feels like that most mornings....

Unseen India Tours said...

OMG BIBI !! This Is So Cold !! Fantastic Capture..Great Shot...Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

xxx said...

I very much enjoy your photos and posts.
Sorry I don't always take the time to comment.

best wishes

Jay said...

Haha! Well, I wish it were warm enough here for air conditioning! Our summer seems a little late in arriving!

Alexa said...

This picture is most definitely ultra-cool! Glad you found the perfect way to use it.

Carol said...

What a great photo!! and a very creative 'U' post...

Jane Hards Photography said...

Abc always comes in handy for those underused images we store virtually.Cool image on a hot day.

Tumblewords: said...

Chilling! Excellent shot!

Tash said...

Ha-ha! Perfect!

Becky said...

Oh wow. Icicles sound great right about now, actually!

What is "hot" over there? I'm just curious what the typical weather is like.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.