Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You know what they say....

...about owners and their dogs looking alike. These two have the same color hair and the dog is wearing a plaid harness and color to match 'mommy's' shirt. And no, I do not have the same underbite as Bibi does!


Lowell said...

Very cute. Do you really think I look like our Golden Retriever...nah...she's much better looking than I'll ever be!

Chuck Pefley said...

well, at least the dog's owner doesn't have her tongue hanging out -:))

Shadow said...

And there's that red hair again!

Tash said...

Excellent! When little my son used to play a 101 Dalmatians comuter game where one had to click on the windows to match the owner with their dog. This is right out of that game!

Jilly said...

Ha! Too right. When I bred and showed OES no one could understand why I didn't look like them - then, they met my husband and understood...

Thérèse said...

I presume I should go and sit with our Lab in front of a mirror and start meditating... lol

B SQUARED said...

If I start to look like my dog, we are both in a lot of trouble.

Alexa said...

The dog has more gray hair than its owner, but I suspect that's because the dog can't do anything about it, whereas . . .
Seriously, if you're gonna look like your pup, get a cute one like this woman did!

soulbrush said...

double tee hee, i wish i looked like snuffles.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

wonder if that adage applies to cat owners as well? if so...i am in trouble...lol.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.