Isn't this a great mish-mash of wood and a bit of rusty fence, too? This was taken in southern Serbia last year, when my husband and I visited a small village in search of someone selling honey. We found someone, and I waited in the car while my husband bought the honey. This was what was in front of me.
ABC Wednesday
weathered wood i adore...always on the lookout when out and about in the local countryside.
have a lovely wednesday
You do have a good photographic eye. And it's nice that your honey brought you honey so you could take a photo!
That was truly sweet of him!
So, a sweet memory.
Best wishes to you!
It's almost as though they built it out of driftwood and then it collapsed. Great shot, and I like what Jacob said—a sweet memory indeed..
sometimes we come upon truly unexpected shots, and that's when it is so annoying to have left one's camera at home....
It looks artistic in a way, but I wouldn't like to be near it in a gale!
Weathered wood like us a little battered but still so beautiful. A lovely memory too in the text. I hope your visit is as smooth as that honey.
How a picture of aged wood can trigger the imagination.
What a Wonderful find! I love photos like this - the shapes and the delicate colours are beautiful.
On behalf of the ABC Team, thanks for joining in.
super textures/patterns & color Wonderful W
Great photograph. Good eye to recognize the potential.
A special memory and a lovely photo.
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